May 12, 2014

Commemorating those 9 months

Hello There! I'm Corinne Kelley. I'm guest blogging today for my first time ever! I feel like I'm officially being inducted into the blogging world. I am a Owner/Designer over at:
where I and my business partner Tiana design lovely blog designs for you wonderful bloggers out there. I am also a journalist, wife, mother of one, and soon to be mother of two! 

I'm still pretty early in my pregnancy so I'm at that awkward stage where people don't know whether to ask if I'm pregnant or if I've just eaten one to many donuts from the new local donut shop down the street (which I have...). Hey, this is the time to indulge, right? This is also the time to start thinking of how I want to commemorate my pregnancy. It's such a special and unique time in life and I want to remember it all! Ok...maybe not the many nights I've sat cuddled up by the porcelain throne...but soon I'll "pop," feel the baby kick for the first time, hear it's little heartbeat, get cravings for more donuts, and with the inevitable "pregnancy brain" I'm bound to forget it all. There are many ways we can help ourselves put in special remembrance this time in life. Blogging is an awesome and easy way to do that. Keeping a pregnancy blog is a great outlet to write down all those little, and big, moments that happen during those nine months, and I feel it's so much more user friendly and quick then trying to keep a hand written journal. (I tried that with my first baby. The first night I wrote in it was the first night I got "morning" sickness. I wrote a couple sentences, ran to the bathrooom, and didn't pick it back up for about 10 months. Sorry baby #1). But I was always on a computer wasting my life away on facebook, so it would have been perfect to be able to click over and write my life down on my blog! There are even programs that turn your blog into a beautifully bound book when you are done, which would make such a special keepsake for yourself and your little one. So if you're expecting, put your swollen feet up and start a pregnancy blog. (Oh, and while you're at it you will probably want to make it look beautiful with a blog design from our shop ;)).

Once I get far enough along I also want to get some professional pictures done with me and my belly. Somehow those talented photographers, like Jenny Lee here, have a way of making you look glowing and beautiful even when you feel like an ugly hippo who waddles like a penguin, has puffy feet, acne, and cries at cheesy commercials. (it's just such a magical time ;)). I didn't do this the first time around and I definitely regret it. If you're in your ninth month you might not believe me, but you end up missing that big belly of yours and professional pictures are a great way to look back in longing remembrance and make you want to do it all over again. If you don't believe me that you will want to remember how you looked at this time in your life,  Jenny has given us, "7 reasons why you should photograph your pregnancy," right here on her blog!

So however you want to commemorate these 9 months of your life, waddle off the couch and do it! You have an eminent deadline approaching so there's no time like the present!

Thanks for letting me stop by!

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