June 30, 2015

Newborn Brylee, 18 days new

Meet Brylee, 18 days new! Brylee was a premie under 5 pounds, but a happy and healthy baby girl! Thank you Lacye and Kasey for allowing me to capture your precious baby girl for her first portrait session!

June 25, 2015

Newborn Oliver, 14 days new

Meet Oliver, 14 days new! Sweet Oliver was a premie. He was born 3 weeks early and spent a week in the NICU. Once he was ready we got him in the studio for his newborn portrait session. I enjoyed every minute with this tiny little guy at 5lbs, 3oz. Here are a few of my favorites from his session. He's just so lovable!

June 24, 2015

Don't Forget to Pack in Hospital Bag

Have you packed your hospital bag for your labor and birth? Here are some items you may not have remembered.

Are you interested in birth photography? Birth is beautiful! Contact Jenny Lee's Photography www.jennyleesphotography.com

June 23, 2015

Turning One is Fun!

One year olds want to show off their new moves, new teeth, and maybe smash a birthday cake! When  your baby turns one, you are faced with the realization that time won't stand still forever - and neither will your child!

The First Year is One for the Books

Savor the sweet, funny, precious memories of the first year with an Album. The one year mark is the perfect time to create an Album. If you have been on the baby plan throughout the year, an Album is a special way to highlight favorite moments along the way. Or capture a day in the life of your busy baby with an Album dedicated to the one year photo session. If you don't mind a little mess, the progression of a cake smash makes for an entertaining Album all on its own!

Turning One is a Big Deal

If you are throwing your baby a birthday party, be sure to ask about custom invitations. We can use your favorite image from the portrait session to create cute, personalized invitations or thank you cards. 

Get Ready!

Get ready to capture a day in the life of your busy baby! Contact Jenny Lee's Photography www.jennyleesphotography.com 

June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

"The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him."
Proverbs 20:7

Happy Father's Day!

June 19, 2015

He Loves You

This Father's Day we encourage you to stop and pray for wisdom for all fathers. We are living in a time that brings many challenges no matter what age your children are. We are thankful to all fathers, as well as those men who have stepped in place for those who have not had a father in their life. Let's also pray for the next generation of fathers to become leaders in their homes.

If you don't have an earthly father, remember that you have a Heavenly Father that loves you more than you could ever imagine.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!

June 18, 2015

Do you feel ignored?

It seems their may be some glitches with my website contact form, so if you try to contact me through my website (www.jennyleesphotography.com) contact form and I have not gotten back to you within 48 hours, please call three07-six70-zero747. I promise I never intentionally ignore any inquiries, so you can be assured that if I have not reached out to you, then something has went wrong with technology and your message did not reach me. I look forward to hearing from you, three07-six70-zero747

June 17, 2015

Home Birth Supply List: (other than the basics)

Are you having a home birth? This home birth supply list by Maegan Hall Photography is a great addition to the items you more than likely already have on your supply list.

Are you interested in birth photography? Birth is beautiful! Contact Jenny Lee's Photography www.jennyleesphotography.com

June 13, 2015

the birth of Oliver: slideshow

Some of you may have stopped in and seen a few of my favorite images from the birth of Oliver a few days ago, but there's is something magical when you put all those images together to tell the whole labor and birth story!

Enjoy watching the birth of Oliver!

June 11, 2015

I Made It to the Top 10! Shoot and Share Photography Contest

This year I entered the 2015 Shoot and Share photo contest. The Photo Contest is a way to bring the community together and share what they love. They allow photographers from all over the world to share their work, and inspire others. There was a total of 110, 928 photos submitted and 23, 154, 356 votes. 

I'm excited to announce that these two images made it into the top 10%! 

June 7, 2015

the birth of Oliver

Renee had been planning a home water birth with her midwife, but things took a turn when her water broke in the late morning on Friday June 5, 2015. Since she was not close enough to her due date and baby Oliver was going to be a premie she headed to the hospital.

This amazing mother gave birth naturally. Playing cards and bouncing on the ball to pass the time away. As baby began to get closer, the contractions began to get stronger. She continued to be strong and breathe through each one, holding on to her supportive husband Mason as she fought through each contraction.

She had an amazing supportive team with her including her husband, mother, midwife, and the CCMH nurse who caught the baby! It's always an awe inspiring moment when baby arrives. Oliver arrived on June 6, 2015 at 12:10 a.m., weighing 5lbs. 3oz., and measuring 19.2".

I am so honored to get to be your birth photographer! Thank you Renee and Mason!

Here are just a few of my favorite images of what was captured during the birth of Oliver.

June 6, 2015

Boy or Girl? Superstitious Ways to Discover the Gender of Your Baby

This is all in fun and you really can’t take any of these too seriously. But for goodness sakes, when you’re expecting and you just can’t wait to find out the gender of baby it can be fun to discover some old wives tales that have been passed down from generation to generation about boys and girls and pregnancy!

So according to these super-circulated rumors about pregnancy if you’re having a girl:
  1. your legs will stay in shape
  2. your extremely moody
  3. you’ll eat the middle of the bread
  4. your beauty disappears during pregnancy
  5. you’ll dream of having a boy
  6. you’ll feel graceful
  7. toddler boys may express interest in you
  8. you’ll sleep on your right side
  9. you’ll show your hands palm up
  10. the dad-to-be will gain weight while you are pregnant
  11. your right breast will be larger
  12. you’ll be really nauseous
  13. your urine will be dull yellow
  14. your baby’s heart rate will be above 140
  15. you will carry high with a big, round belly
  16. your face will get fuller and rounder
  17. you’ll have acne
  18. you’ll crave sweets and citrus
  19. your hands will be soft

and these old wives tales say if you’re having a boy:
  1. your legs will get big
  2. you’ll smile and be more happy
  3. you’ll eat the ends of bread
  4. you’ll be more beautiful
  5. you’ll dream of having a girl
  6. you’ll feel clumsy
  7. you’ll sleep on your left side
  8. you’ll show your hands palm down
  9. your left breast will be larger
  10. you’ll have a smooth pregnancy
  11. you’ll crave meats and cheeses
  12. your feet will be colder
  13. your leg hair will grow faster
  14. your hands will be dry
  15. your urine will be bright yellow
  16. you’ll feel like your nose is getting bigger and wider
  17. you’ll get more headaches
  18. your baby’s heart rate will be below 140
  19. you’ll carry low and in the front 

While you’re on this pregnancy adventure of discovering the gender of your child here are some things to try: 

Your Parent’s Kids
According to one myth you can find out the gender of your baby by looking at the history of your parent’s children and the birth order. If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child. If you are the middle child, you will have what she had, but starting with the third child. If you are the last child, you will have what your mom had in the same order.

Chinese Gender Chart
Legend has it that the Chinese gender chart is over 90% accurate. It is based on your age at time of conception and the month that you conceived.

Here’s a fun chinese gender chart to try: 

Wedding Rings
Grab your wedding rings and place them on a chain. Hold it over your belly or wrist. If it swings back and forth, it’s a boy. In a circular motion, it’s a girl.

Drano Test
Combine a tablespoon of Drano and urine together. If the mixture turns green, a girl. Blue? A boy.

Eat Garlic. It’s a boy if the smell seeps out of your pores, but if there’s no scent, then it’s a girl.

If you pick up a key by the round end, you’re having a boy. If it’s by the long end, you’re having a girl.

It’s a girl if your age and year of conception are both even or odd. One even and one odd means a boy.

Apparently, a child tends to be of the same sex as the parent who is less stressed at the time of conception.

Previous Kids
If your first child’s word was mama, then you will have a girl, but if it was dada, then you will have a boy.

Baby Names
Are you set on a gender specific name? Then this tale says you will have that particular gender.

What do you think?
It has been calculated that moms know what they are having 71% of the time.

Through the fun of discovering the gender of your baby, you may discover that some of these are simply not true for you and some you may find are true for you and your baby, but after all it's all in fun. 

© Jenny Lee's Photography